
Hartford Athletic Postpones Home Games Through May 10 Over Coronavirus Concerns

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UPDATE ON MARCH 18: The Hartford Athletic announced that games through Sunday, March 10 will be postponed.

The team said it is "looking forward to playing a full 2020 season."

Season ticket holders will be able to to participate in a ticket exchange program.

If you bought tickets for games before May 10, they will be valid for the rescheduled dates. If the newly rescheduled date will not work for you, they will be valid for other regular season home games, pending availability.

Statement from the United Soccer League:

The United Soccer League announced today, following approval from the USL Championship’s Board of Governors, that the previously announced 30-day temporary suspension of play in the Championship will be extended to align with recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on restricting public gatherings of 50 or more people through Sunday, May 10th. To every USL Championship supporter across the country, we want to thank you for your patience and understanding during these extraordinary circumstances. As always, your safety, health and wellness are our top priority. We will continue to monitor ongoing events, receive guidance from local, state and national health authorities, and participate in a national task force comprised of other professional sports leagues and organizations from around the country. We also want to extend our support and best wishes to all the individuals and communities who have been impacted by COVID-19. We look forward to being back in action again soon. 


Hartford Athletic, the state’s professional soccer team, is postponing its first two home matches after the governor declared civil preparedness and public health emergencies in the state.

The civil preparedness and public health emergencies open a new range of possible measures that could be taken, including speeding up public health regulations.

The team said in a statement online that the March 21 and April 4 matches will be rescheduled at a later date.

“In coordination with the Mayor’s office and in light of the Governor’s emergency declarations, we are postponing our home matches on March 21st and April 4th. Both matches will be rescheduled for later dates,” Hartford Athletic Chairman Bruce Mandell said in a statement. “As we continue to learn more about how this will affect our community, we have made this decision -- and will continue to make decisions -- with the best interest of our fans in mind. By delaying our first two home matches, we will use this time to continue to assess the situation and prepare for our first home match. We look forward to a full, robust, and exciting 2020 season for our fans.”

Tickets for the March 21 and April 4tmatches will be valid for their rescheduled dates.

Coronavirus Symptoms

The key symptoms of the coronavirus, according to the CDC are:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Symptoms can appear in infected persons two to 14 days after exposure.

Coronavirus Prevention Steps

Steps for prevention from the CDC include:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others
    • You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick.
    • Everyone should wear a cloth face cover when they have to go out in public, such as to the grocery store
    • Coverings should not be placed on children under 2, anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
    • The face cover is meant to protect other people in case you are infected
    • Do NOT use a facemask meant for a health care worker
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

Steps to Self-Monitor for Coronavirus

Steps to self-monitor from the CDC include:

  1. Take your temperature with a thermometer two times a day and monitor for fever. Also watch for cough or trouble breathing.
  2. Do not take public transportation, taxis, or ride-shares during the time you are practicing social distancing.
  3. Avoid crowded places (such as shopping centers and movie theaters) and limit your activities in public.
  4. Keep your distance from others (about 6 feet or 2 meters).

If you do get sick with a fever, cough or have trouble breathing, call ahead before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room and communicate with your doctor about your recent travel.

  • If you develop symptoms, stay home and avoid contact with others. Do not go to work or school for this 14-day period. Discuss your work situation with your employer before returning to work.

The CDC has a special website set up with details about the coronavirus, including how it spreads and treatment.

Anyone with questions relating to coronavirus can call 2-1-1 or text "CTCOVID" to 898211. The 2-1-1 hotline is available 24 hours a day.

You can also visit the state's coronavirus information website here. Residents are encouraged to check the website for answers to questions before calling the hotline.

Learn More About Coronavirus - COVID-19

Learn more here from the state about Coronavirus.

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