Barefoot Running Takes Off

Losing the shoes may be good for you.

If you search Barefoot Running online you will find lots of sites devoted to the topic, many of them claiming health benefits.

Stephanie Blozy is the owner of Fleet Feet Sports in West Hartford. She says this form of exercising is growing in popularity and suggests people use a combination of traditional and barefoot running.

“On one end you have about 10 percent of the population that can run barefoot all of the time. You have 10 percent of the population on the other spectrum that can’t tolerate barefoot running at all and in the middle you have 80 percent of the population that can tolerate some but not all,” said Blowzy.

 For those who are hesitant to lose the shoes, another option is to use what is called a minimalist running shoe. Brands like Nike and New Balance have developed shoes that provide safety against the elements with the feel and benefits of barefoot running.

 In a typical running shoe, the foot will strike the ground heal first while barefoot runners will strike with their forefoot. According to the pros, that eliminates stress on the feet, legs, and back.

 “The idea is to connect a little more to nature, to run a little more naturally and a lot of that involves modifying your stride,” said Schuyler Shuster, a manager at Fleet Feet Sports and also an avid barefoot runner.

 Ray Gagnon had been experiencing knee pain when running for a couple of years. At the suggestion of a friend he decided to give barefoot a try.

 At first he went completely barefoot and is now making the switch to a minimalist shoe.

 “The way that they’re constructed, there’s no padding at all; there’s no foam padding. It’s just a rubber sole and your foot. It forces your body to concentrate on the steps that you’re taking rather than just pounding away, and I think that’s what helped me,” said Gagnon.

According to Schuyler Schuster, it isn’t just about the health benefits.

“Additionally, it’s fun. Running barefoot on the grass is a great time, and it’s a lot more fun than pounding the pavement in big, clunky shoes,” he said.

Blozy recommends people ease into it and listen to their bodies. Like any new exercise routine, she said it will take a while for a person to adjust to the new running style. 

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