Young mom, Anatasiya Hudzen, a photographer and breast cancer survivor is working to help others just like her. After finding a lump in her breast she was unsure what the future would bring. She’s now doing better than ever and has used her creativity to help others.

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Young mom, Anatasiya Hudzen, a photographer and breast cancer survivor is working to help others just like her. After finding a lump in her breast she was unsure what the future would bring. She’s now doing better than ever and has used her creativity to help others.

Breast cancer, which affects one in eight women during their lifetime, is a group of malignant (cancerous) cells that form a mass of tissue called a tumor.

Deaths caused by breast cancer decreased 1.9 percent each year from 2003 to 2012 as the breast cancer rate remained steady, according to the most recent data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet breast cancer remains the most common cancer in American women other than skin cancer.

It’s a priority for medical professionals at the Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute in a state with the nation's second-highest rate of breast cancer.

To learn more about the Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute log on: 

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