Emergency Rooms Report Minor Pain

CT Ranks fourth in the nation

In a report released Tuesday by the American College of Emergency Physicians, Connecticut ranked 14th in the nation with a C+ rating.  That, the report said, means there's room for improvement.

Each day over, 300,000 Americans visit Emergency Rooms and that is putting a strain on emergency resources.

The state-by-state report card contains 100 measures including disaster preparedness, access, quality and patient safety, medical liability environment, and public health and injury prevention.

Connecticut ranks among the highest in the nation with regard to Public Health and Injury Prevention, the state gets an A and ranks third.  But when it comes to Medical Liability, Connecticut ranks 35th and gets a D.

The states that showed the best support for emergency patients were Massachusetts, which ranked first with the highest overall grade of B, followed by the District of Columbia  and Rhode Island, both received overall B- grades.

Some of the recommendations from the report card include:  Create stronger emergency departments through national health care reform and alleviate boarding in ER's and hospital crowding.  It also calls for passage of the Access to Emergency Medical Services Act.

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