AG Tells NFL, Networks to Huddle and Deliver Giants Game

When the snowstorm pushed the Giants-Vikings game from Sunday to Monday, Connecticut fans missed out.

Connecticut Attorney General and Senator-Elect Richard Blumenthal asked the NFL to reverse the call on the field, and show the game in the Hartford market as well, so that all Giants fans in Connecticut will see the game.

But that did not happen. So, now he's asking the NFL, ESPN and Fox Sports to get together and resopnd to his request -- by Jan. 3.

If a game is moved to a new day, he wants local fans to be able to watch the game.

"I have yet to receive a satisfactory explanation as to why this problem could not be resolved by the December 13 game. My review is continuing," he wrote in a letter. "In my view, this situation was unreasonable and unacceptable."

There is no word from the NFL if it will change its decision.

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