
Cat Found Safe 5 Months After Disappearing from I-91 Rest Stop

Minka the Cat at Middletown Animal Control
Middletown Animal Control

A cat that was missing for five months has been found safe.

A cat that was missing for five months has been found safe and she is back home with her owners, just before Christmas. It's all thanks to the woman who noticed the cat and a persistent animal control team that was able to set a trap with food that lured the hungry animal in.

The cat, Minka, disappeared from a rest stop on Interstate 91 in July.

Middletown Animal Control said the call that led to the happy reunion happened last week, after it snowed.

The caller reported that there was a cat in the median of Interstate 91, actually right near the rest stop, so Middletown Animal Control went out to investigate.

There, they saw Minka, but she ran.

For days, Middletown Animal Control set out traps filled with tuna and sardines in hopes of luring Minka. On Monday, it worked.

Once the cat was at the shelter, Middletown Animal Control received the proof she was Minka by scanning the microchip.

Animal control said Minka was dirty, skinny and covered in ticks, but she was otherwise OK.

After hearing of the amazing discovery, Minka’s owners made the four-hour trip from Vermont for the reunion.

Middletown Animal Control said Minka put her head right in her mom, Susan’s hand.

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