Concert for Healing in Newtown

A community of professional musicians gathered Sunday for a fund raising concert to benefit the 26 families who lost someone in the Dec. 14 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.

The show, at Edmond Town Hall in Newtown, featured music from artists in the fields of country, jazz, rock, Celtic  and more.
Among those musicians, Mark Barden on the guitar. For him this concert is as close to home as it can get. His son Daniel was one of the children lost that day.
Barden said the concert is especially meaningful to him. "I'm part of this music community. Music was a big part of my family's life. Daniel was our drummer in our family band," he said.
In honor of Daniel and the 25 other victims, bands took turns at the stage entertaining the crowd. Former New York Yankee Bernie Williams took to the stage as well.
From the bands, to the volunteers, to the supporters, everyone had their inspiration for being part of the concert.
"I knew Daniel. Daniel was an angel. I should say Daniel is an angel, " said the organizer of the event, Jim Keneally.
Three months after the tragedy, Daniel's Dad says they continue to feel the connection and compassion from their neighbors. Being able to play for them and for his son, is one way for him to say thanks.
"For me to be part of this event, to be able to perform, to give something back to the community, and to give something to those 26 families, it's an honor for me to do that and show my gratitude to the community and the music community as well," said Mark Barden.


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