Connecticut Lawmakers Pass Bill to Allow Testing of Self-Driving Cars

The Connecticut General Assembly has passed legislation to create a pilot program that would allow testing of self-driving vehicles in the state and it will now go to the governor. 

The bill calls for establishing a pilot program for the testing of autonomous vehicles. It also includes establishing a task force to study autonomous vehicles. 

“This legislation will help put Connecticut at the forefront of this innovative, burgeoning industry,” Gov. Dannel Malloy said in a statement. “Autonomous vehicles are already being tested in several states throughout the country, and we cannot allow our state to be outpaced as this technology grows.” 

He said the final language of this legislation includes specific qualifications through limited and controlled testing areas. 

“By adopting this legislation, we will show this growing industry and those around the country that we embrace and promote innovation in Connecticut,” Malloy said. 

AAA released a statement applauding the legislation. 

“AAA research indicates that consumers want to embrace new technology but they have reservations around safety and security. Testing of these vehicles will help address those concerns,” Amy Parmenter, spokesperson for AAA in Greater Hartford, said in a statement. “It’s critical that the consumer’s voice be heard and our lawmakers have acknowledged as much.” 

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