Connecticut Will Be Well Represented at Inauguration, Women's March

Connecticut will be represented at both the Presidential Inauguration and the Women’s March.

Sarah Raskin and Beth Kerrigan unfurled their professionally made banner they will march with on Saturday, one day after Donald Trump takes the oath of office.

They helped to organize 5,000 women on 90 buses that will make the trip for the Women's March set to take place in the nation's capital.

“This is a very ad-hoc, grassroots coming together of people who just felt like they wanted to be involved in the march," said Raskin.

She views the march as a direct response to Trump, who was caught on tape years ago talking about grabbing a woman's genitals.

“I think it’s clear that many of the messages that came through in the election from the president-elect felt very alienating during the election and felt they were directly threatening women’s rights and liberties and equality.”

On the other end of the political spectrum is George Noujaim, a member of the Waterbury Republican Town Committee, who was packing up his car Thursday morning as he prepared to drive down to Washington D.C. for the festivities.

“It’s still surreal to me," Noujaim said. "Especially knowing in 24 hours, under 24 hours I’m going to be standing there with millions of people.”

Noujaim volunteered for Trump in Connecticut, where the Republican garnered just more than 40 percent of the vote. He was so actively involved that he helped to organize Trump's visit to Waterbury's Crosby High School in the days leading up to Connecticut's Presidential Primary. During that visit Noujaim met the then candidate, and he signed several signs, and even a Donald J. Trump Signature Collection necktie for Noujaim.

Noujaim said the visit remains vivid in his memory. "He’s was actually an idol of mine growing up, business-wise.”

When asked what he hopes to hear from Trump in his first address to the nation as president, he said, "How he’s going to make America great again. How he’s going to turn the country around.”

Sarah Raskin says she hopes the Women's March serves as a jumping off point for the next four years, and what the president-elect can expect.

“I think it’s a moment to organize, get ready to engage, fight anything that we might have to push against.”

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