CT Kids Invent the Darnedest Things

They may be young, but they've already been called touted as geniuses on national television.

Three Connecticut students appeared on "Ellen" Thursday afternoon, chosen after showing off their creations at the Connecticut Invention Convention.

Julian, 6, of Berlin, created the "Underwater-Seer" when he was in kindergarten. He said he came up with the idea when he was vacationing in Florida and wanted to see even further underwater. 

Megan, 7, of Lebanon, came up with a way for you to have your cake and eat it, too. Her idea was a cake cutter that slices cake pieces of equal size. 

"I came up with the idea at a birthday party, when a person was cutting the cake and (started to cut) really big pieces, and smaller ones each time after that," Rice said. "And I got a small piece."

Your groceries will never get rained on again with Jordan’s Smart Cart. The 10-year-old from Wallingford invented it because his mom’s groceries would get wet in the rain. He attached a device to a shopping cart to cover the groceries.

Connecticut children exhibit their inventions during the Connecticut Invention Convention. Click here to learn more. 

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