Cosby Slams Fatherlessness

Bill Cosby is known as one of America's greatest comedians, and one of the most outspoken.  

The author, most recently of "Fatherhood" was at the state capitol Monday supporting the legislature's Task Force on Fatherlessness.

Cosby said that most of the problems in our society can be traced back to a lack of a father figure in the home.  And when that does not happen, he said, various communities organizations like Boys & Girls Clubs, Police Athletic Leagues, and others step in and become a positive influence.

Cosby said it's almost tragic that a home without a father has become an accepted norm.  "We have to make it 'cool' not to become a father until you're ready to become a father," he said.

Rep. Bruce Morris (D) of Norwalk and senator Gary LeBeau (D) of East Hartford are co-chairs of the fatherhood task force.  They'll deliver their findings to the legislature after January 7th, when the new session begins.

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