Democrat Throws Hat into Ring for Lt. Governor

Another candidate is looking to become Connecticut's "number two."

Democrat Kevin Lembo has formed an exploratory committee to run for Lieutenant Governor.

Lembo, the state’s health care advocate and former assistant state comptroller, said his decision to campaign for a place on the ticket is about the need for strong leadership in these difficult times.

"Twice in recent history, Connecticut's Lieutenant Governor has been asked to assume the state's top job, and the people of this state have a right to make an informed choice about who is second in command," Lembo said.

The 46 year old became the state's first health care advocate in 2004 and has held the post since his appointment and confirmation by the Legislature.

His office helps consumers untangle the complexities of the health care system and appeal insurance company denials.

Previously, Lembo worked for six years with Connecticut State Comptroller Nancy Wyman, focusing on state budget issues, health care and health insurance for state employees, retirees, municipalities, non-profits and small businesses.

He lives in Guilford with his spouse and three children.

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