Donkey Back Home After Wild Getaway in Vernon

A donkey walked into a garage in Vernon, and thus began an unusual chase for Vernon Animal Control.

Hannah Proch said she heard clicking in the driveway of her Rolling View Drive home, checked to see what it was and saw a donkey.

"It followed me right into the garage, with its head down, just clicking right behind me all the way to the door and then proceeded to try to actually go inside the house," Proch said.

Proch then woke up her cousin, Barbara Khan, and they called police because they didn't know who the donkey belonged to.

Then, the donkey ran.

"There was a brief foot chase that ensued while the officers tried to corral the donkey with assistance from our animal control staff," Vernon Police Lt. William Meier said. "It was pretty amazing to see the stealth operations by the police officers walking in the dark, not to startle the donkey."  

Vernon Animal Control, as well as midnight shift officers, were involved in containing the donkey, "Delilah," and brought her back home around half a mile away.

But before that, Proch and Kahn took a selfie with Delilah.

"We did a donkey selfie, actually, which was really entertaining. I don't think we've laughed as hard as we did last night in a really long time," Proch said.

As for Delilah, she was let off with a warning after her midnight stroll.

"The officers decided not to file charges against the donkey for breaking into his garage," Meier joked.

Shayla Schoeneberger, who owns Delilah, said she thinks her donkey ran because she was frightened by turkeys, but all was fine when she returned home.

"She loves my dad, so when she saw him, she was complete and she wasn't going to run away again," Schoeneberger said.

Schoeneberger said she's had Delilah for nine years and, addition to loving Schoeneberger's dad, she also loves Jolly Ranchers and hard sour candy.


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