STD, Brothel Review Puts Strip Club in Court: Report

A sexually transmitted disease and some online brothel reviews could mean the end for a Meriden strip club if the Chief State's Attorney has a say.

He has gone to court to permanently shut down the 2041 Club for alleged prostitution.

On Thursday, a judge ordered the 2041 Club on North Broad Street closed until a hearing next week on the state's civil lawsuit.

The state's 23-page suit gives a detailed description of what went on inside the club and contends that the 2041 Club, which features exotic dancers, is a haven for prostitution and says that owner David Henderson is among six people arrested in a raid in January, according to the Hartford Courant and the Associated Press

Henderson is still in custody, according to the state Judicial Branch.

The investigation began with a complaint from a man whose brother allegedly got a sexually transmitted disease after paying for sex at the club.  The Courant reports that the sex was unprotected.

The club over the years has had several names besides 2041 Club, including Club Laura, Appateasers and the Kit Kat Club.

Along with the complaint, Meriden police found references to the club on sites that review brothels, the Courant reports. So, Meriden and state police began a surveillance operation and interviewed men who went inside and left within an hour.

Undercover officers also went in and paid $20 at the door, then paid another $40 to go to private rooms. In each instance, a woman removed her clothes and "began masturbating" the officer, the lawsuit says, according to the Courant.

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