Farm in Bethany Damaged by Tornado Reopens

Clover Nook Farm in Bethany will open its doors this weekend following devastating losses in last week’s tornado and severe storm.

Clover Nook Farm in Bethany will open its doors this weekend following devastating losses in last week’s tornado and severe storm.

Their farmstand is operating on generator power, but will open Saturday and Sunday to sell their farm-grown produce, meats, and homemade sauces, as well as flowers which survived impact from a greenhouse that was lifted off the ground by the tornado.

Seventh generation farmer Debbie Demander told NBC Connecticut’s Shyang Puri the challenges posed by an obliterated barn, downed trees, and damaged equipment may be the worst her family has faced in more than 250 years of farming, but that some of their crops will go to waste if they are not sold and eaten soon.

The Demander’s are still figuring out how they will replace their historic barn, which dated back to the 1840’s, and also what to do with the broken timber and debris left behind by the storm. They are making progress, Demander said, with help from friends and other farmers. “They are all reaching out, so it’s a nice feeling,” she said.

The Demander’s plan to close the farmstand again on Monday to continue making repairs, and they hope to officially open for the season on June 2.

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