First 12/12/12 Baby

Today is 12/12/12 and it is a once-in-a-lifetime event.

The superstitious among us might see these numbers as lucky, but, Wednesday was lucky for a different reason for two new parents at St. Francis Hospital in Hartford.

Sean Eichner is the first baby born on Dec. 12, 2012 in Connecticut, according to St. Francis Hospital. 

“I really was hoping he would come before the 12th, but he held out,” said mom Allison. 
She was induced on Monday because Sean was supposed to show up a week ago. 

“He just took a while to come here. He was really determined to come here on December 12,” Allison said.

And now that he’s here, the 7 pound, 6 ounce, 21-inch baby boy seems to revel in the spotlight. 

“I think it was all a big publicity stunt on the part of him and his mother,” said Priscilla Doolittle, his maternal grandmother.

Baby Sean almost made it “dozens wild.” 

He was born at 12:14 a.m. Two minutes earlier and he would have been born at 12:12 a.m.

As you might expect, a healthy baby boy, and not his birthday, was the only concern the Eichners had for their first child. 

“We didn't even think about it in all honesty,” Sean’s dad, Daniel, said.

But while mom and dad don’t buy into all the numerical hype, they said there are some benefits to their new son’s unique birthday. 

“It's just a cool date as far as I am concerned. Easy to remember too,” said Allison. 

While Sean is the first Dec. 12, 2012 baby, he is not the only one.

Savanna Jeanine Gauvin was born less  than five hours later, at 4:56 a.m.

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