
Foodshare Collects Turkeys, Food Items For Families in Need for ‘Turkey Tuesday'

Foodshare kicked off its annual Turkey Tuesday campaign in Hartford hoping to make Thanksgiving sweeter for thousands of families in the greater Hartford area by collecting close to 16,000 turkeys in a week.

Foodshare kicked off its annual Turkey Tuesday campaign in Hartford hoping to make Thanksgiving sweeter for thousands of families in the greater Hartford area by collecting close to 16,000 turkeys in a week.

“This is the real kickoff to our Turkey and 30 campaign,” Jason Jakubowski, President & CEO of Foodshare explained. “We expect to get several thousand turkeys today and several thousands of dollars as well towards our ultimate Turkey and 30 goal.”

Foodshare is hoping to serve the more than 120,000 people who are food insecure in Hartford and Tolland Counties.

“If you were able to bring a turkey, that’s fantastic,” volunteer Sue Drobinski said. “If you can give them that $30 that they’re looking for that’s even better because they can do more with that $30 than you can do with anything on your own.”

Tuesday was Drobinski’s 19th Turkey Tuesday. She has been at every one through the years to support a cause that she is deeply passionate about.

“I came from not a wealthy family, but we at least had food. We didn’t have to decide ‘ok, is it food this week or is it medicine or is rent or is it electricity?’ We didn’t have that, so I try to do what I can.”

To donate a virtual turkey, click here.

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