Freddy Fixer Parade Rescheduled

The annual Freddy Fixer Parade has been rescheduled because of storm damage in the New Haven area and the forecast for Monday.  

The parade is now scheduled for noon on June 3, according to the Elm City Freddy Fixer Parade Committee. 

A news release says the organizers of the Freddy Fixer Parade, the Dixwell Freddy Fixer Neighborhood Festival and the City of New Haven “jointly decided it was in the best interest to ensure the safety and well-being of the hundreds of participants and thousands of spectators to postpone the day’s events.” 

The Dixwell Freddy Fixer Neighborhood Festival on the New Haven Green in celebration of New Haven Day at the International Festival of Arts & Ideas will be on Saturday, June 9 at 11 a.m. 

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