‘Gilmore Girls' Fan Fest This Weekend in Kent

If you are fan of “Gilmore Girls” fan, the original series or “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life” on Netflix, Kent is where you will be, or want to be, this weekend. 

If you’re reading this, you more than likely know the series was set in the fictional Connecticut town of Stars Hollow, a quaint community, where everyone knew everything about everyone and a town troubadour was part of the local fabric. 

Fans of the beloved series started the festival last year. 

Special guests this year include some fan favorites, including Keiko Agnea (Lane Kim), Todd Lowe (Zack Van Gerbig), Aris Alvarado (Caesar) Emily Kuroda, (Mrs. Kim), Liz Torres (Miss Patty) and Rose Abdoo (Gypsy) 

Tanc Sade (Finn) Biff Yeager (Tom the contractor), Eric Henry (Nat Compton in “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life”), Rini Bell(Lulu), as well as people who worked on the show behind the scenes will be there. 

The weekend events include Gilmore-inspires activities, including screenings of the show.  

Tickets are $250 and they are for the whole weekend. The event started this morning and goes through 2 p.m. Sunday.

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