Group to Rally Against Nursing Home for Prisoners in Rocky Hill

The outrage continues in Rocky Hill, over plans to build a nursing home for prisoners and mentally ill people and opponents of the home will hold a rally on Wednesday.

The private developer, iCare Management, plans to open the facility where the Rocky Hill Nursing Home used to be on West St., but some residents want to keep that from happening.

“It’s dangerous to all families that live around here, and it’s just an unsafe place,” said Tim Herrick.
“This is very densely populated. There’s families surrounding the entire facility,” said Nicole Crawford.

Crawford was among the dozens—including State Rep. Tony Guerrera (D-CT) and Mayor Anthony LaRosa (D-CT) who packed a room in Town Hall Wednesday night, to lead the effort against the nursing home.

“This is not the place for it,” said Crawford.

Many petitioned against it. Many LaRosa said Rocky Hill is also suing iCare. The facility is labeled a “nursing home” for terminally ill prisoners and mentally ill people, but Mayor LaRosa argued it could still pose a danger to the community.

“This is not your typical nursing home. They’re going to be locked down. If they’re going to be locked down…that’s a prison,” said Mayor LaRosa.

However, other residents in Rocky Hill disagreed with the mayor.

“These people are sick, and they need help and I don’t think there’s a problem,” said Janet Brown.
iCare is planning to open the facility next month, but organizers and leaders against the project vowed to do it takes to keep the nursing home from opening.

“[I’m going] all the way. I’m not going to stop,” said State Rep. Tony Guerrera.

“I’m willing to do whatever I can. I have several friends in different areas of town that I can hand out petitions to,” said Barbara Robinson.

The facility would house less than 100 people.

A rally against the facility’s opening will begin at 11 a.m.

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