Willington Board of Selectmen Oppose State Police Gun Range

Willington's Board of Selectmen voted 4-0 Monday night to oppose a proposed state police gun range that drew major criticism from residents.

Expecting a larger turnout than usual because the proposed State Police gun range is on the agenda, Willington's Board of Selectmen had to move its 6:30 p.m. meeting Monday night from the town library to Hall Memorial School.

The board voted to send a setter to the state opposing the gun rage. Willington's response to the proposal is due by June 4.

The owner of the Eldredge Mills Road property also backed otu of selling the lot for the purpose of the proposed gun range, laving only one possible location for one in Willington.

Last Thursday more than a hundred people heard State Police make a presentation about their proposal for a new gun range in Willington.

Their current one on Nod Road in Simsbury consistently floods. Trying to keep it above water has cost the state government hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to state police.

"The range in Simsbury isn't fitting the bill," said Sgt Shane Hassett. "We've had a lot of historical water problems there, and it's the state that has decided it's time to move."

The Department of Administrative services and state police had three sites in mind, including two in Willington, one in East Windsor. But the vast majority of the Willington people at the meeting said they have no home for the range.

"No Gun Range in Willington" reads one sign along Route 74 promoting the selectmen's meeting and it's not the only one.

"This is a pristine part of Connecticut. It's a green belt, and I just hate to see it be ruined by a gun range," Doug Benton, of Willington, said.

Sam Wheeler has less of a problem with having a gun range in town.

"They have to have it somewhere - better improve security in town to have cops coming in and out all the time but that's about it," Wheeler said.

It is still early in the process. There will have to be a study of the environmental impact needs to be done over the next six months. The next meeting might not be until the survey is completed in the fall.

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