Hartford Police Teach Children How to Fish Through New Community Program

Hartford police officers are trying to improve relations with the community by teaching kids how to fish.

Hartford police officers are trying to improve relations with the community by teaching youth how to fish. 

The brand new program is called Cops and Bobbers, Hooks and Ladder and the Hartford Police Department teamed up with the Hartford Fire Department, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Riverfront Recapture and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the event. 

Hartford youth, ages 6 to 18, were taught about the different kinds of fish, how to tie a knot, bait a hook and cast a line. 

“We wanted to put something together for the kids in Hartford where they could come out here and experience police officers in a different light,” Doug Antuna, the faith based community service officer in Hartford, said. 

At the end of the day, kids got to keep their fishing rods, which were all donated by Bass Pro Shop. 

“I think it is really cool because you get to keep your rod and have it as your own,” T.J. Brooks, of East Hartford, said. 

Police officers said they hope the kids walk away with an appreciation of the outdoors and of police. 

They plan to continue this event next year. 

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