Heat Sets Off Sprinklers, Flooding Bank and Food Bank

Temperatures exceeded 155 degrees in the attic of a bank, setting off sprinklers.

Intense heat on Thursday set off the sprinklers at a bank in Woodbury on Thursday, flooding the bank, as well as the food bank in the basement.
Fire Chief Janet Morgan said the sprinklers at Newtown Savings Bank in the Woodbury Center went off just after 5 p.m. on Thursday because temperatures in the attic exceeded 155 degrees, which is the temperature the fire protection system is to go off at.

There is no air conditioning in the attic, she said.

The Waterbury Republican-American reports that the Woodbury Food Bank, located in the basement, had recently received a large shipment of donations and would determine how much food will have to be thrown away and what can be distributed safely.

Morgan will be at the site, at 238 Main Street South, on and off through the day to oversee cleanup.

She told the Republican-American that she will recommend the automatic activation temperature be set to 200 degrees.

The state is experiencing a third straight day of heat on Friday. The forecast is for temperatures to reach around 93 degrees inland and 88 at the beaches.


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