Hiring Managers Share Their Secrets

For many, technology plays a pivotal role in how we search for a job. Thanks to online resources, applying for a dream position is as easy as a click of a mouse. But in a competitive market, how do you make sure your resume gets in the right hands?

Robert Crowder, head of talent acquisitions at Aetna in Hartford says he sees more than 430 applications come in each day. He warns job seekers, however, about becoming a ‘resume spammer.’

“Technology has probably made it easier for more people to apply to a job, so, that’s where we get that phenomenon of resume spammers. It is so much easier to apply to a larger volume of things,” said Crowder.

So how do you choose where to send your application? Crowder says although career sites are great, it is best to go right to the source.

“We use CareerBuilder at times, but primarily it ends up being our own site,” Crowder said.

If you want your resume to stand out, Crowder says make sure it matches the position for which you are applying.

“Use those keywords that are in the job description that are relevant to your background and that will help you rise up in somebody taking a look at your background,” said Crowder.

If it is skilled work you are looking for, however, Rina Fochi, human resources manager for Stew Leonards said, your background is not everything.

“Be open to learning new things and doing different things that you might not have done before, because to be more flexible allows the employer to be more flexible,” said Fochi.

According to Fochi, with 36 percent of the store’s team members having been referred by employees who already worked there, networking is key.

Using social media has become a way to broaden your networking pool.

“LinkedIn is one really important way to be able to stay abreast of all of your contacts and where they might be working and who they might know to help facilitate that particular thing,” explained Crowder.

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