Improving Health by Improving the Environment

People are now going to great lengths to make eco-friendly changes in every aspect of their life.

Dr. Parveen Khanna is an example.  He is a Manchester cardiologist.  Patients are his top priority. To him, providing good care to people also means being good to the environment.

"Reducing the levels of pollution in the air have a direct result on cardiovascular and pulmonary status,” said Dr. Khanna.

That's a major reason why his practice recently installed solar panels.

Dr. Khanna's wife and practice manager, Rachna Khanna, says the whole staff got behind this idea.

"How it started this staff saying let's do this, let's do this.  And then I said I'd love to put solar panels and I just don't know where to go," said Rachna Khanna.

The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund is one resource for help.

It offers hefty reimbursement grants to both residential and commercials users.

"We have seen a doubling of interest, a doubling of applications every six months since the program started," said Dave Ljungquist from the Fund.

It's been around since 2005.  In that time, 350 residential and 60 commercial solar panel systems have been installed in CT.

This medical practice has also taken it a step further -- installing energy efficient lights and cutting back on waste.
Parveen also drives a smart car and Rachna drives a hybrid.

The practice can keep tabs on its daily savings from the solar panels via the Internet.

"The energy bills we are seeing about a thirty-five to forty percent reduction," said Dr. Khanna.

He expects that number to climb with sunny months ahead.

Meantime, Dave Ljungquist adds, soon enough this will be the main mode of providing energy.

"In the very near future we're going to have to go to renewable energy resources because there won’t be much else left.  More importantly, renewable resources keep our air clear," he said.

That's something that Rachna Khanna says more medical professionals need to get behind.

"I believe if every doctor if everybody in the medical community does a little bit we will have a revolution.  We will have a change and the environment will be better and we will treat people for less illnesses."

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