iPhone Fanatics Rejoice

Apple launches iPhone 3G-S

The line was 50 deep when the Apple store at Westfarms mall opened at 6:30 a.m. Friday. Five people spent the night on the mall floor.  All of them were waiting for the Apple iPhone 3G-S.

The new phone is Apple's latest version of the gadget that has formed a loyal following. The processor has been upgraded and the storage capacity is larger. Simply put, it's faster than ever at a time when people are using their mobile phones for more than just a call.

While iPhone loyalists stood in line holding their older versions on the phone, several newcomers to the iPhone couldn't wait to try out the latest and greatest.

"I'm going on a road trip tomorrow, so this was imperative for me," said Suzi Craig, a first time iPhone buyer. "I'm shooting a documentary, so I want to be able to tweet about it, I want to be able to upload things to Facebook and I can do everything from here."

When the iPhone first launched, they cost $599 a pop. The 32 gigabyte version of the iPhone 3G-S goes for $299 dollars. 

"It's about speed on the new one," said Brent Robertson, one of the dozens waiting in line this morning. "There's so many applications you can do on here that weren't available when the phone first came out. And they're a big resource hog."

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