It's National Cheese Pizza Day!

In every food feud over what type of pizza to order, there is almost always one ingredient that prevails no matter what you end up getting. Cheese!

And for anyone who has ever been laughed at or called boring for having simple tastes and just wanting the one topping, fear not. Today is your day to celebrate because it's National Cheese Pizza Day!

National Cheese Pizza Day falls every Sept. 5, according to

Cheese pizza traces back to Greek origins. Ancient Greeks used to lather bread with oil, herbs and cheese and pita in Byzantine Greek means pie, according to

Then, the Romans transformed pizza, coating dough with cheese, honey and bay leaves for flavoring, according to

Pizza as we know it is closer to Italy's Neapolitan flatbread. In the Naples area, pizza consisted of mozzarella, usually a high quality buffalo mozzarella, according to

According to the website, the first American pizza shop opened in Little Italy in New York in 1905.

We might not be able to eat that oozy, cheese "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" pizza that always looked visually savory. But Connecticut is abundant with pizza restaurants to satisfy your cheese pizza craving today, from thinner New Haven-style pizzas like Frank Pepe's to thicker crusts.

What's your favorite pizza place in Connecticut?

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