Petition Seeks to Prevent Proposed Development on Lebanon Green

Senior housing slated for his backyard.

Tree-covered land in Lebanon could see a small housing development for senior citizens built on it is across the street from the Lebanon Senior Center, and not everyone is enthusiastic about the plan.

Doctor Jon Ritz's home and office are down the road from the proposed development site.

"Obviously, it's in my backyard," said Ritz, who has launched an online petition opposing the project.

He doesn't like the proposal to build on what he considers park land. He said it'll endanger not just wildlife but Lebanon's huge town green, preserved as open space for centuries.

"We're a town of preservation," he said. "We're famous because we have a preserved green, and this would spoil it."

He said he started the online petition in hopes that it will generate enough interest for other residents to attend a Planning and Zoning commission meeting on Sept. 21 and voice their disapproval.

And in October, Ritz is counting on Lebanon holding a town meeting, where townspeople can be heard. It's as much of a tradition as the Lebanon Town Green.

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