Local Company Makes State's First Aged Whiskey

The company is also coming out with a higher-proof moonshine.

Onyx has made a name for itself by distributing moonshine. Now they are adding ages whiskey and higher-proof moonshine.

Connecticut-based Onyx Spirits has received some national attention for its Connecticut-made moonshine. Now the company has come out with the state’s first aged whiskey.

They whisky starts as the moonshine, made of corn, malted grains and local spring water, and is placed in 5-gallon American oak barrels. Six months later, it is the state’s first aged whisky.

Adam von Gootkin, one of the founders of Onyx Spirits, said his company has created a limited run of the whiskey, which comes out in December.

They’ve made 33 barrels and one each will be distributed to 33 stores, spaced out across in the state.

“So we haven’t released what stores have it yet,” von Gootkin said.

Pete Kowalczyk, one of the founders of Onyx Spirits, said the company’s growth in a short time is due to support from the local community.

They basically started by delivering moonshine out of the trunk of their car, he said.

“We’ve come so far in the last year and a half and Connecticut’s supported us so much,” he said.

“Now we have barrel-aged whiskey and we have a new high-proof coming out.” 

The new higher proof moonshine is Moonshine 111, which is more potent than the regular 80-proof version.

When customers started asking for a higher-proof version of the moonshine, the company tested several proofs, von Gootkin said.

“We landed on 111 because we loved the flavor.  We said, ‘This tastes incredible,’” he said.

Learn more about Onyx Spirits on their Web site.

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