Longtime Owner of Louis' Lunch Dies at 93

A legend who carried on a legacy of the New Haven hamburger has died.

Ken Lassen, the longtime owner of he famous Louis' Lunch died last week at the age of 93.

He was the grandson of Louis Lassen, who is credited with inventing the hamburger.

As legend goes -- a man hurried up to Louis Lassen’s lunch cart  in 1900 and said he was in a rush and wanted something he could eat on the run. Lassen placed his own blend of ground steak trimmings between two slices of toast and sent the gentleman on his way – giving birth to the hamburger, according to the restaurant’s Web site.

Ken Lassen died of kidney failure, according to the Middletown Press.

The Lassen family has long held firm on their desire that no condiments be served with the burgers – only cheese, tomato and onion. That’s a history Ken Lassen carried on.

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