Malloy to Get a Peek Today at State's Budget Situation

On Monday, Governor-elect Dan Malloy gets a glimpse into what he will be dealing with once he takes over in Hartford next year. He will learn today what the budget situation looks like for the next two years when the Office of Policy and Management present Malloy and his team with a tentative state budget.

State law requires the the office provide to him  no later than today.

Malloy's transition team leader and his gubernatorial chief of staff, Timothy Bannon, is expected to attend the meeting.

Outgoing Gov. M. Jodi Rell calls the two-year proposal "broad" and said she will provide the new governor with an overview of the state's current services budget and how it is affected by the constitutional cap on spending.

State laws requires that the plan include spending and revenue estimates.

On Friday, Malloy said the Republican pledge to eliminate the state’s budget deficit without raising taxes was nothing more than political rhetoric.

Malloy will be sworn into office on Jan. 5 and will present a two-year budget in February.

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