Many from Connecticut Heading to DC for Trump Inauguration or Protests

Many people from Connecticut are heading to Washington, DC to be there for Donald Trump’s inauguration today as he is sworn in as the 45th president while others are making the trip to protest. 

George Noujain, of Waterbury, said he met the president-elect when Trump came to Connecticut during his campaign and is looking forward to being in Washington to welcome the new administration. 

“It’s still surreal to me, especially knowing in 24 hours I’m going to be standing there with millions of people,” Noujain, who has amassed a large collection of Trump memorabilia, said Thursday. 

Iv Staklo is a member of a group of about 50 people who headed from New Haven with the Answer Coalition to be part of a massive demonstration in Washington, DC today. 

“We are prepared to organize nationally, locally, in our communities against any attacks that might come from the Trump administration,” Staklo said. 

Many will be watching here in Connecticut too.

The state Republican Party is holding an inauguration watch party at the Hartford headquarters at 31 Pratt St. from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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