Meriden Fumes Over Possible Loss of Firehouse

Thursday night, Meriden city leaders got an earful from residents who aren't happy about proposed budget cuts, specifically plans to cut funding to non-profits and education and the possibility of getting rid of the Broad Street firehouse.

"It’s been a tough economy. I know they need to make cuts, but we’re hoping it's not in our department," said Carol O’Brien, of Meriden.

"I think it’s ridiculous and upsetting," said Lisa DeDominicis, of Meriden.

The city manager sat in the back of the Lincoln Middle School auditorium taking notes. He said he was eager to hear people’s opinions and to make the budget as transparent as possible.

"You want people to come and speak and have input on city matters," said Meriden City Manager Lawrence Kendzior.

Residents argued that closing the firehouse would jeopardize the city’s safety and well-being.  The city manager said it would help the city save on overtime and other costs. Even so, city leaders said it’s unlikely the firehouse will close.

"It’s a tough thing to purpose but when you're trying to close that kind of gap, everything is on the table," said Kendzior.

The Meriden city council is expected to set a budget by May 4.

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