Parking Meter Changes in New Haven

New meters in New Haven bost challenges and benefits.

Driving in downtown New Haven, you'll notice a change on the sidewalks: new parking meters.

The shiny cash-collectors accept both coins and cards. However, they do come with a catch. The new machines require payment up to midnight.
Some think that the extra hours will deter downtown visitors, and harm business. 
“I feel as though I'm not as welcome downtown anymore and it really puts a damper on my sense of feeling free to coming down and having dinner, go to a show, things like that,” said Janet Carpenter while visiting from Guilford. 
Others view the change as a much needed money-maker for the city.
“Let people pay to park if they're going to park. It's an efficient way to raise revenue. It's taxing people who are parking,” said Marko Pavela of New Haven.
There is one visible problem with the new meters. They are too high. Some people with disabilities were having trouble reaching them, so the city plans to cut down the poles holding the meters. Some meters were already shortened and others will be adjusted to 34 inches next week, said Dough Hauslaben, alderman elect for Ward 7.
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