Metro-North Puts Brakes on the Satisfaction Survey

How did you like your ride on Metro-North?  Well, you'll have to keep it to yourself.

You won't be able to tell the rail line your answer for some time. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which runs Metro-North, will not be handing out its annual customer satisfaction questionnaires this fall.

New MTA CEO Helena Williams is suspending the surveys this year while the MTA puts together a region-wide feedback system, the Connecticut Post reported.

The single satisfaction survey will be used for all MTA rail, subway, bus, and bridge and tunnel services, in an effort to standardize information from those different areas for comparison.

"Throughout the year, the MTA conducts a number of customer satisfaction surveys, which have historically used different rating scales which made comparison difficult," MTA spokesperson Aaron Donovan told the paper.

Past Metro-North surveys were used to track customer feedback on everything from on-time arrival to parking availability to cleanliness of bathrooms.

The new questionnaire should be ready sometime next spring.

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