Towns Remind Pokemon Go Players to Respect Public Spaces

Connecticut towns are reminding Pokemon Go users to be respectful when playing the game in public spaces.

Mayor Daniel Drew of Middletown sent an email requesting players stay away from the Veterans Memorial Green on Washington Terrace and cemeteries.

“They are solemn locations in which people pay their respects to and remember those who have passed on and the people who fought to keep our nation free,” Drew wrote.

The Indian Hill Cemetery Superintendent Norm Emond said not all the players are playing nice.

"They could be driving on top of graves and they're driving up and around the lawns here and it's starting to become a problem," Emond said.

Emond said some players are causing traffic and litter.

"Napkins, cups, and bottles," said Emond.

The mayor warned that if these types of issues continue police will step up patrols.

Players are welcome to use other city property for gatherings, but meetings and events on city property must be approved by the Department of Public Works, Drew said. Groups larger than 30 people and serving food much be approved by the Public Works Commission. For more information on the legal restrictions residents can consult the Middletown Code of Ordinances.

Anyone with further questions can contact the mayor’s office.

In Norwich, police reminded players not to enter private areas and to stay out of public parks and cemeteries after sunset or posted hours. Anyone who ignores the rules faces fines or arrest, police said.

Pokemon Go has become the most downloaded app in both Apple and Android app stores.

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