Milford School Board Postpones Decision on Proposal to Close School

Milford's school board postponed making a decision on a proposal close a school at its meeting Monday night.

The board has been considering the proposal for a month as part of its long-range plan, a plan an advisory committee has been studying for years. If passed, the district  will close Harborside Middle School on High Street. Then the city government would the take ownership of the property.

"As a taxpayer not having any young children I wouldn't mind them closing a few and save me some tax dollars," said Derrick McLaughlin. "But for the people that need them, I absolutely think they should not close them right away."

In fact, Harborside wouldn't close until renovations are complete at West Shore Middle School in several years. McLaughlin's daughter Teneya, who graduated from Foran High in Milford last year, said closings are necessary.

"They're just a waste of space right now," she said. "Put everybody into the same school."

Joe Filanowski shares that sentiment. He has to pick up grandchildren after school from different schools.

"I gotta pick up one at 3:15, and one a little after 4," he said.

Enrollment has plummeted in Milford as the population has grown older, prompting the consolidation of schools. But there is an argument that declining enrollment is just a phase.

"It's the thing to have big families, and then it goes back to little families, then it goes back to big families," said Constance Welsch. "I never think it's a good thing to close. They're already there. To replace them is much too expensive."

The proposal will be discussed at Monday night's Board of Education meeting.

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