National Wildlife Federation Says Leave Your Leaves

Raking leaves the fall chore we love to hate, but now the National Wildlife Federation said there are plenty of reasons to give your rake a rest.

Besides time and money saved, the NWF said a leaf layer can provide many benefits for wildlife and your garden.

According to the NWF, leaves can act as their own “mini ecosystem,” and many wildlife species use the leaves to find food. They also say fallen leaves form a natural mulch that helps to suppress weeds and fertilizes soil.

West Hartford residents aren’t sold on stopping. Neil Toland said he understands the NWF’s worries but loves the work.

“I can’t get away from raking leaves,” said Toland. “There is no way I could do it.”

Toland said he appreciated the exercise raking leaves provides and also likes the look of a clean lawn. 

“I like to have it clean, but it doesn’t last,” Lucy Szkods agreed.

The National Wildlife Federation said if you must rake, don’t throw them in the trash. The recommend dropping them off at a municipal recycling center so they can be turned into compost for the spring.

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