Native American Imagery Removed From Logos at West Hartford High Schools

When some students in West Hartford head back to class, they will find new logos on the signs out front, stripped of any Native American imagery. The old logos at Conard and Hall high schools have been replaced after they came under fire last year for being offensive.

The logos were in limbo for a while, but the Board of Education ultimately decided the Hall Warriors and Conard Chieftans could keep their names, but both schools had to do away with any Native American imagery.

“It depends on ethnicity and racial differences,” David Newman, an incoming Conard freshman, said. “But I don’t have a preference. As long as it represents the school, it’s fine.”

Hall changed its mascot a few years ago, but still had Native American connotations in clubs around campus that had to be changed.

Conard changed its mascot from a Native American chief to a crest that the school community helped design.

“I think being politically correct is our society today,” Len Stevens, a parent of former students, said. “Everybody wants to do the right thing, but it never bothered me.”

However, some people said doing away with the old logo at Conard is doing away with a tradition and they question whether or not the new crest says enough about the school’s identity.

“I think it could be a little more creative,” Tony Durst, of West Hartford, said. “I think everyone is just hyper sensitive about the political correctness of it.”

Sports uniforms and other school attire will also be replaced with the new logo. Students in West Hartford will head back to class next Wednesday.

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