New Britain Seeking Outstanding Payment From Yard Goats: Mayor

New Britain is actively seeking payment for outstanding utility bills from the newly named minor league baseball team the Yard Goats, the mayor announced.

The $149,317 bill stems from a lease between the New Britain Stadium and the Yard Goats team, formerly known as the New Britain Rock Cats, Mayor Erin Stewart said.

"While the team and its owners have relocated from the city, they are not off the hook for these overdue bills," Stewart said. 

The mayor said the team was responsible for electric and utilities bills while leasing the New Britain Stadium. The lease agreement ended Dec. 31, 2015.

According to New Britain's park and recreations department, the team owes the following for Jan. 1 2015 to Dec. 31 2015:

  • $80,582.62 to Eversource
  • $47,907.37 to TransCanada
  • $8,635.85 to Connecticut Natural Gas
  • $12,245.37 for water and sewer

“I will not sit silent and have taxpayers foot the bill for these utilities,” Stewart said. “I continue to be troubled by the ownership’s continuing disrespect for the agreement they had with the city."

Yard Goats General Manager Tim Restall released a statement about the payment Wednesday afternoon.

"The Yard Goats received the invoice which was dated January 25, 2016- two days ago. Per our lease, the team has 120 days of receipt of said documentation to pay the bill. The Yard Goats have every intention of paying our bills as we always have," Restall said in the statement.

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