New Haven Schools Stay Open in the Snow

While other school districts decided to use a snow day, New Haven School where open.

Steady snowfall made for tough driving conditions Tuesday, and New Haven parents said they were surprised school wasn't canceled in the city.

“I would have thought it would close because everybody was closed. I thought this school would be closed, too, but New Haven is open,” said George Greene, the parent of an East Rock School student.

They disagreed on whether keeping school open was the best choice. One parent thought the roads were too slick this morning, but others said they weren't concerned because their children's rides to school seemed safe.

"From the looks of things, it was the right decision because it's not that bad out," said parent Edith Greene.

Every time dicey weather moves in, the school district works with the city Department of Public Works, emergency responders and the bus company to make sure the roads are safe enough to send children to school.

Having school meant parents didn't have to find alternate arrangements for their children, and the children didn't have to worry about losing a day of school.

“It's warm enough that it's not icy, and it's great for the kids because they get to see their friends, and they get to learn,” said Connie Razza.

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