‘At the Shooting Range': Norwich Free Academy Student Posts Threatening Message on Snapchat

A Norwich Free Academy senior is accused posting a threatening message on his social media account Friday morning, police said. 

James Noel, of Lisbon, allegedly posted a video of a room at the Norwich Free Academy school on Snapchat with the caption, "At the shooting range", Norwich Police Sergeant Michael J. McKinney said. 

A student at Woodstock Academy saw the video and reported it to safety officers at that school, who informed Norwich Free Academy before contacting police, McKinney said. 

The 18-year-old told Norwich Police that he did not mean any harm.

"We take it seriously when anybody makes that sort of threat with the history of things that have gone on in schools," McKinney said.

The school posted a message about the incident on its website. 

Noel was released on a $1,000 non-surety bond. He faces one charge of second-degree breach of peace. 

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