Paper Towel Bandit Case All Rolled Up

Robbers use all kinds of disguises when they commit their crimes -- masks, fake beards, hats, sweatshirts and sunglasses, even dressing up in drag -- but it seems one suspected crook didn't choose his disguise too wisely.

It helped police track him down, the Connecticut Post reports.

Police have arrested a man dubbed the "Paper Towel Bandit." He was given the moniker because he used paper towel to cover his face during at least two armed robberies in Fairfield in 2007, one at a People's United Bank and one at the Fairfield Inn, police said. 

How did they catch him? Well, he wasn't picked up quickly. 

Police spent nearly four years trying to match his DNA to a piece of a paper towel found at a crime scene, according to the Post.

Police arrested Taeki Muse, 26, of Toledo, Ohio.  Muse is currently incarcerated for robbing a Subway restaurant

Muse would rob the establishments at gunpoint, police said, getting away with cash, but leaving behind his paper towel disguise. Officers used that bounty of evidence to eventually link Muse with the heists. 

You could say Muse is brawny, though apparently not all that brainy. He's being held on $250,000 bond.

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