Deep River

Plans move forward to address mold at Deep River middle school

NBC Universal, Inc.

Putting together a plan to address mold. The Region 4 Schools Board of Education moved to begin getting proposals from companies to address mold at a Deep River middle school.

Putting together a plan to address mold. The Region 4 Schools Board of Education moved to begin getting proposals from companies to address mold at a Deep River middle school.

As John Winthrop Middle School remains closed due to extensive mold, the Region 4 Schools Board of Ed moved forward with requests for proposals in finding companies to eliminate the mold and address the cause of it.

“Our hope would be that in a matter of weeks, we’ll have people actively in the building doing work that’s necessary," Superintendent Brian J. White said.

White said it's unclear exactly how much this would cost, having to factor in what insurance will cover and trying to get an Eversource grant to get a new HVAC system - a suspected source of the moisture problem.

“We still have some concerns and questions about total costs. It’s too early to know what those dollar amounts will be,” he said.

As work continues, the middle school is sharing space at Valley Regional High School with the campus now handling 712 students, adding in 223 middle schoolers. White said school administrators have created plans like moving around classroom space and schedules for teachers to have room. The district is also looking at portable classroom options.

“They’re working very closely with our teachers in both buildings to ensure students are having minimal disruptions and a positive experience,” he said.

Some parents are frustrated with the long process.

“Why are we five weeks in and we’re just now getting into the action point?” Scott LaCrosse, of Ivoryton, said.

The superintendent said he understands the frustration from parents and asks for patience, saying staff is hard at work to ensure student learning isn’t interrupted.

“Our teachers are working very closely with both administrations to make sure we’re providing a really robust experience for students here,” White said.

There will be another Region 4 meeting next Wednesday at 6 p.m. at Valley Regional High School to go over requests for proposals.

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