Polls Open for Presidential Preference Primary

There is no Democratic primary today because President Barack Obama is the only one to qualify.

The polls opened at 6 a.m. for the 2012 Presidential Preference Primary and registered Republicans can cast a vote until 8 p.m.

Despite Rick Santorum suspending his campaign, he remains on the ballot.

The order of the Republican presidential candidates on the ballot is Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Santorum, followed by a ballot line for “uncommitted.”

There is no Democratic primary today since the only Democratic candidate who qualified for the Presidential Preference Primary ballot is President Barack Obama.

State law specifies that at least two candidates are needed in order to hold a primary.

This is a historic day in Connecticut, because it’s the first time that 17 year-olds can cast ballots in a Presidential Preference Primary in Connecticut, provided they will be 18 on or before the general election November 6.

The Election Day hotline is open to report problems at the polls. If you encounter any difficulties casting ballots during the day, you can call 1-866-SEEC-INFO (1-866-733-2463) or email elections@ct.gov – for voters to use if they

Primaries are also going on today in New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Rhode Island.


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