Pope's Visit Still Resonates With Americans

Just two days after his historical trip in the U.S. the pope's presence and powerful words are still resonating with Americans.

“I just cried because I caught a glimpse of him. I caught his eyes,” said Nell Motto, St Patrick’s Catholic Church member.

The Holy Father's last stop in Philadelphia was nothing short of remarkable. An inspiration to the world around him, Pope Francis touched the lives of so many people who came far and wide to see him.

“You could see the smile on his face and immediately you can see the smile on mine,” said Vincent Motto, a deacon at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.

Tucked deep into a crowd of about a million people, Deacon Vincent Motto was faced with the moment he’d waited years for; the moment he’d watch the pope blissfully stroll by him, waiving to a crowd, anxiously awaiting his spiritual message.

“Just to see a million and a half people gathered together in the name of our holy lord and savior Jesus Christ, to listen to these words telling us how to live that gospel out was really the most amazing thing,” said Vincent Motto.

His wife says the family friendly atmosphere was totally consuming.

“Our Holy Father with the babies…he was so wonderful,” said Nell Motto.

It was those moments that has inspired her to reach out to others who need it the most.

“I think I’m going to put a little more emphasis on families and helping young families out,” she said.

For others, it was the Pope’s small solution to a large problem that made the biggest impact.

“The little touch of the hand, the little kiss on the cheek, the little have a good day…it’s the attention to those details to make that family, to use Pope Francis’ word ‘A Factory of Love’,” said Vincent Motto.

It’s the simple things that will truly help unify the American people.

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