Principal Points Out Why New London High Renovation Is Necessary

The principal of New London High School is hoping voters will approve a referendum to fund school improvements and points out problems in the building.

When New London voters head to the polls in less than two weeks, they will be making a decision that will have a major impact on New London High School and the principal took some time on Wednesday morning to point out the repairs he said the school needs. 

Principal Tommy Thompson pointed out loud heaters in the back of a classroom and said it’s just one of many issues plaguing the facility, which was built in the late 1960s.

“This is consistent with how other heaters are performing throughout the building,” Thompson said.

He’s also concerned about the windows, pointing out one that is held together with electrical tape and cannot keep the cold air out.

A plan has been proposed to renovate New London High School, as well as another school in the area, and Thompson said the renovations are crucial.

The leaky roof needs to be fixed, he said, and New London High School is on probation, not having complied with the Americans with Disabilities Act for more than 20 years.

“Wheelchair-bound students need to be able to access any place in the building," Thompson said.

Thompson hopes that outlining the problems will encourage voters to support a referendum on the City Council’s approval of up to $168 million in bonding.

There is already and approval on reimbursement for 80 percent for the school projects, which leaves the city to pay a balance of more than $30 million.

“I think every investment in our future is absolutely worth it,” Thompson said.

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