
Public Hearing Scheduled for Potential Access Health CT Insurance Companies Rate Increase

The State Insurance Department is holding a public hearing on Wednesday about individual insurance rates through Access Health CT for 2019.

The State Insurance Department is holding a public hearing on Wednesday about individual insurance rates through Access Health CT for 2019.

Both Athem and ConnectiCare are asking the state permission to charge more money.

Anthem wants to charge nine percent more than last year, while ConnectiCare wants to charge 13 percent more.

Both insurance companies are blaming the rising costs of healthcare and the Trump administration for the increase.

The insurance companies told the state that because the federal government is not penalizing people for not buying insurance, less money is therefore available to pay for more expensive patients.

Before President Trump was elected in 2016, these same insurance companies were asking for major rate increases of as much as 27 percent.

The public hearing starts at 10 a.m and takes place on the seventh floor at the State Insurance Department building at 153 Market Street in Hartford. If you park in the Morgan Street Garage and bring your ticket inside, you will not pay for parking, officials said.

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