Republican Senate Candidates Face Off

Front-runners Linda McMahon and Chris Shays sparred over several issues.

Each of the five Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate made the argument on Thursday night that they're the person with the best chance of winning the general election, finally taking a seat that's been held by Democrats in Connecticut for three decades.

Former U.S. Rep. Christopher Shays pointed to a recent Quinnipiac University poll that shows he's in striking distance of defeating the front-runner among the Democratic candidates, U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy in a general election match-up. He said Republicans should not repeat the mistake of backing former wrestling Linda McMahon, the GOP's failed candidate in 2010.

"The fact is, we can win this race, if that's what we want. But only if I'm the candidate," Shays, of Bridgeport, said during the 90-minute debate held by The Bulletin newspaper of Norwich. About 100 people attended.

But McMahon, of Greenwich, said she is receiving the backing of local Republican leaders every day and intends to win the Republican endorsement at the May 18 convention, the primary on Aug. 14 and the general election. This time around, she said, she has an economic plan that should resonate with voters.

"I feel, as the campaign continues, and as all of you look at my jobs plan, you will understand I am the candidate in this race who can put this country back to work," she said.

The March 22 Quinnipiac poll showed that McMahon leads Shays by 9 percentage points, 51 to 42 percent. But Shays has gained some ground.

A Quinnipiac poll in September showed McMahon leading Shays by 15 percentage points.

Both surveys did not include the three other candidates, Hartford attorney Brian K. Hill, Fairfield attorney Peter Lumaj, and Southbury attorney Kie Westby.

All three said at Thursday night's debate that the GOP needs to take a chance on a fresh face like each of them this year.

"We have to push the envelope. We have to think outside the box," said Hill, adding how the Connecticut Republicans, election after election, keep trying to elect wealthy candidates from Fairfield County but always fail.

"It has not worked for us in the past and it's certainly not going to work for us in the future."

Hill maintains he's the only candidate who can "shave off enough votes" in the cities to get a Republican elected.

Westby, who has 24 years of service in the Marine Corps reserves, said he has the common sense that's needed in Washington and believes that the voters are "tired of politics as usual" and are looking for someone new.

We keep nominating the same type of candidate," he said. "If the Republicans are to win, they have to do things different."

Lumaj urged Republicans to pick someone who is a true conservative, taking aim at Shays, a moderate Republican he called a "RINO" -- a Republican in Name Only.

And, he said McMahon is "not electable." She lost by double digits in 2010 to now-Sen. Richard Blumenthal after spending about $50 million of her own money.

"Once they go to Washington, they become Chris Shays ... They'll vote with anybody," said Lumaj, shortly after Shays mentioned how he voted with his party 75 percent of the time when he served in the Congress and worked with both Republicans and Democrats on legislation.

"Conservatism works," Lumaj said. "Don't let anybody tell you otherwise."

All the candidates spoke of the need to improve the nation's economy, get the federal government's fiscal house in order and cut waste.

At one point, however, Shays questioned McMahon's fiscal conservativeness, accusing her of wasting $50 million on her last Senate campaign.

McMahon shot back, accusing Shays of voting for the now-infamous so-called Bridge to Nowhere for more than $200 million in Alaska, and voting to raise the debt ceiling eight times.

The candidates were each asked which, if any of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate they could work with, in an attempt to work beyond partisan gridlock.

There were a few chuckles in audience when McMahon acknowledged that it "might be difficult to work with Senator Blumenthal," who defeated her following a bruising campaign. But she said the entire Connecticut coalition needs to work together.

"For the sake of our state," she said. "That's what we need to do."  

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