Retired State Supreme Court Justice David Borden Dies

Retired Connecticut State Supreme Court Justice David Borden died Sunday morning, according to the state judicial branch.

Borden was appointed to the Connecticut Supreme Court by Governor William A. O’Neill in 1990 and served until his retirement in 2007. Prior to that he served on the Connecticut Appellate Court, as a Superior Court judge, and as a judge on the Court of Common Pleas.

After he retired, he served as a judge trial referee on the Connecticut Appellate Court.

Chief Justice Chase T. Rogers released a statement on Borden’s passing, which read in part:

“It is difficult to find the right words to describe the incredible legacy of Justice David Borden. First of all, he was a brilliant scholar whose body of work will have a lasting impact upon the law in Connecticut. Justice Borden believed deeply in the rule of law, open and transparent courts, and access to justice for all.

To that end, he left indelible prints wherever he served during his remarkable judicial career. No legal issue was too challenging for him, and he never lost sight of the importance of a case to an individual party. Moreover, Justice Borden was an extraordinary mentor to his law clerks over the years; they not only thrived under his leadership but also viewed him as a family member. Judges too viewed Justice Borden as a mentor, and many sought his wise counsel over the years, including myself.”

Rogers went on to say that Borden was a family man that loved life and had a great perspective on what was important.

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